Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Virtual Field Trip

Fifth and sixth graders took a virtual field trip(via video conferencing) to the New York Hall of Science located in Queens, New York. This museum is an interactive hands-on museum you may want to visit if the opportunity arises. The focus of our conference was demonstrations involving chemistry with the objective of observing and identifying phases and changes of matter. Ask your child about the experiments they observed and what the cause and effects were. After vacation students will begin a unit on Matter in science class.

The theme of our reading after vacation will be prejudice. Students will read novels sharing this common theme. Students will be involved in higher level thinking as they analyze actual events in history dealing with civil rights and comparing them to events in a realistic fiction novel.

Working with fractions will continue as well. Students will be practicing converting fractions to decimals and percents and vice versa. Problems involving finding a percentage will also be covered. Try to point out how determining percentages can be useful to you as a consumer. Examples may be sales with a certain percentage off or buying food items and checking percentages of certain ingredients such as sugar.

Egyptian scrapbooks have been started and students will continue with this project for a couple of more weeks after the break. In addition to working on note taking and research skills we have been working on "tools" to use when creating a written and visual project. Examples of the tools are the use of guide lines and straight edges, centering, letter size, color/space, spell checking, font style and size, etc.

Spelling and Daily Language Review will begin when we return to school on January 3rd. Students will once again have graded spelling homework on Thursdays.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!

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